Public Speaking

These are tags based on the story setting.
Elsa's Search for the Enchanted Echo
Elsa lives in a colorful village but has a quiet voice. With her cat friend and a fairy's quest, she goes on an adventure. Through magical places and acts of courage, she finds her strong voice. Returning home, she shares stories and dreams of helping others find their voices too.
Finn's Voice and the Desert Stone Giant
Finn, a boy with a soft voice, is on a desert quest with his dragon friend Ember to find his inner voice. Along the way, he learns that actions can speak louder than words. They awaken a silent Whispering Willow and return home, where Finn becomes a storyteller who inspires others to find their voices.
Momo's Whistle - The Quest for the Magical Speaking Fruit
Momo, a quiet monkey with a longing for adventure, sets out on a life-changing quest alongside his wise companion Ella and a magical silver whistle, overcoming his struggle with silence and inspiring others in the vibrant jungle to discover their voices and face their fears.